Listening to God’s voice is one step. The next is to follow it. 2003 our life began, fulfilling and still fulfilling that vision to found a sisterhood that shares the love and joy of the gospel message. Through the Years tracks some key moments and events thus far!

Transforming the World

Young and beautiful women, do you have a dream? Do you want to change the world, touch lives? Come and listen as Sr. Michael Penelope shares the beauty of ‘being all’ for Christ as a consecrated Sister.

Blessed to Encourage

Parents, grandparents, friends, Sr. Michael Penelope has a message of encouragement that she wants to share with you about the beauty of the vocation of consecrated life.

Quiet on the Set!

Sr. Melinda – Will you answer the call?

A true confession from Sr. Melinda about how God has turned her former way of life into an opportunity to share his personal love.

Sr. Anna – Jesus, Lord of the Harvest

Listen to Sr. Anna as she shares an encouraging word for each of us – and learn a quick and easy tip to keep your veggies fresh!!

Sr. Meagan – My Heart Exploded with Joy

Sr. Meagan’s video as she shared how the Lord called her and how she answered the Father’s claim on her heart.

Sr. Michael Penelope Nguyen –
The Secret of Holiness and Happiness: Humility

How can we be humble for the Lord? Dive into the deep with Sr. Michael Penelope as she shares her reflections on humility.

Sr. Alison – Daily Surrender, No Strings Attached

Listen to Sr. Alison as she shares how to trust the Lord with our hearts, no strings attached.

Sr. Monique – Jesus wants hearts on fire!

Hear Sr. Monique share how Jesus is sharing his desire for hearts to be set on fire as you get a short glimpse into her new workplace at the Archdiocesan office.

Sr. Michael Penelope’s Top 5 Resources 

  1. St. John Paul II, Vita Consecrata
  2. Fr. Jacques Philippe, In The School Of The Holy Spirit
  3. Fr. Andrew Apostoli, When God Asks For An Undivided Heart
  4. Fr. Thomas DuBay, And You Are Christ’s
  5. Jason Evert, St. John Paul the Great: His 5 Loves

Are you ready?

Are you ready?

We rejoice in our unique call and mission as women who radiate the life of Christ to the world. We desire to respond to the appeal the Council Fathers of Vatican II addressed to women. We understand our spiritual motherhood to be a total gift of self, filled with the spirit of the gospel ready as Blessed Paul VI has exhorted us to be “women impregnated with a spirit of the Gospel [who] can do so much to aid humanity in not falling”.  

If you find yourself saying yes to this question, Are you ready?

Call our Vocations Director, Sr. Michael Penelope Nguyen, SC we are here to help. 


We offer two Come and See’s annually. Check out Caroline’s video below!