We are a community of women tireless in our call as evangelizers and fearless in our openness to the power of the Holy Spirit. Our quality of life together as Sisters is foundational and through thick and thin we always have in mind Fr. Bob Bedard’s words: before we will be able to do anything worthwhile for the Lord together, we will have to be something good together.
(Fr. Bob Bedard, 1994)

Come and See Retreat

You’re Invited! We are hosting a COME AND SEE for young single women who are discerning the consecrated life.

It will be a time to discover your vocation and a time to connect with our Community.

Join us either in-person or on Zoom from Feb. 21st 23rd, 2025 (Friday – Sunday).

Register by Friday, Feb. 14th, 2025.

Please contact Sr. Michael Penelope

or call

Registration Required: Friday, February 14, 2025.

At The Heart

We are a Roman Catholic community of women, committed to living and ministering together as sisters in the Lord. We are to embrace our feminine giftedness and strive to be the helpers and servants that our Lord intends us to be (Genesis 2:18).

With this in mind we remain faithful and steadfast in fulfilling our mission as we gather around the vision of the Companions of the Cross. We are called to labour boldly for the renewal of the Church through a dynamic evangelization centred upon Christ crucified, who is God’s power and wisdom. Prompted by the love of God, we desire all people to come into the fullness of life through a personal ongoing encounter with Jesus Christ.

Our Mission: Evangelization

Our Mission:


What is Evangelization?  The challenge of a dynamic evangelization is two-fold.  First, it requires our decision to say ‘yes’ to being in relationship with Jesus.  The second challenge flows from the first.  When we say ‘yes’ the decision must be to commit daily to a relationship that is personal.  Fr. Bob speaks of this same commitment.

We give our total surrender to Jesus Christ.  This surrender unites us to the will of the Father, to the sacrifice of the Son, and to the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.  With our eyes fixed on Jesus as our path, evangelization will flow directly from our community life, the way we live, into our ministry.

The gospel is something I must choose to follow.  It is not meant simply to be listened to and admired.  It is not something primarily to study or talk about.  I must do more than consider it.  I must answer the call of the gospel with a resounding ‘yes’.  I must embrace it with my whole being.

I must be clear about the choice I make when I decide to accept the Lord’s call to life.  It involves making Jesus the Lord of my life and entering thereby into a personal relationship with him.  I begin to know him in a deeper and more intimate way.

Evangelization, therefore, is the process whereby a person hears the gospel, embraces it fully, makes Jesus Lord of his life and gets involved in a lively, intimate and ongoing relationship with him.

Fr. Bob Bedard, Evangelization, A Challenge for the Catholic Church, 1997

Day to Day

We recognize that it is God’s power that we need. As we surrender to him our lives and everything we do, give him full permission to do with us as he wills, make ourselves completely available to him, and commit totally to his purposes, we clear the way for him to accomplish his will. 

Come and take a look inside at a dayinthelife of the Sisters. 

Meet the Sisters

We’ve written our stories short and sweet erring on the side that if we keep them short, there is this certainty that you, the viewer, will read the entire piece. And then because it’s so short you can’t help but move on to the next testimony.

Do You Want

To Be A Sister?

What you’ll see inside:

  • MORE STORIES! Watch videos of the Sisters sharing their stories. We even have Sr. Anna sharing her tips on keeping lettuce delicious!
  • PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS. Hear from our Vocations Director, Sr. Michael Penelope and how you can support your child/grandchild’s vocation
  • BEAUTIFUL LADIES. Grab a video. Read Sr. Michael Penelope’s Top 5 resources. Give us a call.

Through the Years
2003 – Today

The Servants of the Cross were founded in 2003 and have grown for over 15 years. From our beginning, milestones of faith and community have provided us with a foundation to move forward. Have a look at our history.