More Ministry

More Ministry provides a safe place to receive the Trinity’s love and address areas where wounds, hurts, and unforgiveness have robbed us of our identity as His adopted children. This is an individual prayer session with trained prayer ministers in areas of healing – physically and spiritually. God wants our freedom. God wants us close. God wants to have a personal relationship with us.

Kim’s Story

Kim joined us for a prayer ministry session and received a major breakthrough in her heart and life. 

Listen to how the Lord ministered to her heart and how the Lord healed her in long standing areas of hurt. 

Request a Session

Would you like to request a session to receive God’s love through trained prayer ministers?

Frequently Asked Questions

We want to accompany you in your journey with the Father and would like to offer 3 sessions per year. You can request for more sessions come the following year. 


We offer both in-person, zoom, and hybrid (of in-person and zoom) sessions

We do accept a “Love offering”. We accept donations for the Community, Servants of the Cross, as it continues to further his kingdom here on earth, bringing healing and intimacy with God. 

The sessions are private. The prayer session is led by two trained ministers. One is to lead the prayer time, and one is a scribe who writes down all truths received during the session for the participant to take further into prayer and grow in their relationship with the Lord.

You can expect a response in a timely manner, however, an actual appointment may only result within 4-8 weeks.

Once your request has been processed, you will receive a digital calendar where you can choose an available time slot to book. The location currently available is at the home of the Servants of the Cross Community.

God wants our freedom.

God wants us close. He wants a personal relationship with us.

Let’s pray together