Road to Pentecost
Let’s prepare for the baptism in the Spirit praying that we may go out in boldness like the disciples who made Jesus irresistible to all people. Join us for our Pentecost Novena and our reading of The Cross and the Switchblade. Prepared to be set on fire!
Pentecost Novena
Join us in prayer this May 2025
We want the Holy Spirit to come and do it again as he revealed himself in the famous Duquesne weekend in 1967, over 50 years ago. One little pebble fell on this weekend, and it turned into an avalanche for the Catholic Church. And they experienced the powerful mercy of God and felt the Holy Spirit as if they were in the Upper Room.
Join us for nine days preparing our hearts for the Holy Spirit to come and do it again in our hearts. We will provide you with the Word, reciting Acts chapter 1 to 4 over nine days before Pentecost.
Would you like us to send a reminder a few days before the Pentecost Novena?
Cross that Chicken Line!
Book Reading of the Cross and the Switchblade

Who wants to be set on fire … and cross that “chicken line”? Jesus has placed a great call on each of our lives, to go to the nations and proclaim his name, but we have a hard time believing he can use us.
This book, The Cross and the Switchblade, is a story of a country preacher who, step by step, answered a call to do greater things than Jesus did. If you have a hard time “crossing that chicken line” and believing his call on your life, join us for this transformational weekend.
(FUN FACT!) Did you know that this book was read during that famous retreat weekend in Duquesne University, that the experience propelled renewal in the Catholic Church back in 1967. Come Holy Spirit!
Let’s meet over a weekend and read this amazing book together! We don’t need to be chickens anymore, let’s share the Gospel to all those we meet.

Stay tuned for 2025 dates and locations
Looking forward to our time together!