The classic book “Abandonment to Divine Providence” by Fr Jean-Pierre de Caussade, S.J. reveals that Jesus doesn’t demand great work from us, but our trust in his loving providence. He, in his merciful love, arranges all things for our good (Romans 8:28). We are called to rejoice and to embrace present situations with serenity and grace. Regret about the things of the past doesn’t solve our problems and worrying about the future takes away our peace; only living in the present moment with God with abandonment brings peace and joy. (It is also the key to holiness.)

With a disposition of trustful surrender, I don’t have to prove that I am somebody who performs well and has great accomplishments. I have seen enough evidence that my life alone is God’s sheer mercy – the struggles, the progress, the healing, the goodness from others, the anointing of God on me while I serve, etc. God is at my side to guide me (Psalms 23 and 27). Thus, I become more and more free. This book helps me see that I have been abandoning myself to what God is doing in me and in others. I give God permission to do what he wants to accomplish, as I am confident that his ways are the best. He has the complete  picture with all details; why would I be concerned about what happens to me as if I can ensure that everything is in my control?

Soaring beyond current circumstances with love is my aim. I open my arms and fly to God. He carries me so I can reach the fatherland of heaven (Deuteronomy 1:31). To me, fighting the battles of life is not that difficult. I am God’s warrior who chooses to dance in his grace and his divine love. (See the painting I completed in November, 2020). When something annoys me, I talk to God. I let God take care of my situation and refuse to worry about what I cannot do. I declare my faith in God; Lord, thank you for being my father and for being the powerful God who works all things for my good. Thank you for loving me with an everlasting love, and I trust in you (Isaiah 31:3 and Psalm 131).

Knowing that God carries me in his love, I trustfully spread my wings to wherever I am meant to be…


  1. Tanya Glofcheskie December 19, 2021 at 5:58 pm - Reply

    Thank-you for this reflection. I love your painting!

  2. Naomi Johnson September 1, 2022 at 11:31 pm - Reply

    Sister Micheal Penelope: God’s sovereign providence has long been a VERY precious truth and doctrine in my life. And I’m SO GRATEFUL, dear sister, to come across your sharing here, and how much rest and peace — and joy, too — you’re also finding in this ‘forgotten gem’ of Father’s abilities. Praise Him!
    And, o.m.gosh — your painting? HOW spectacular! I hope you find time to paint many more worship-inspired portraits, as your time allows! Beautiful!!

    Naomi J

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