Another year has come and gone, and Advent is here once more. This is one of my favorite times of the year. Not just because my birthday falls within Advent, which is a nice perk, but the preparations that are made for the coming of Christ on Christmas day. It is a time to refocus our minds and our hearts on the true reason for the season.

When we were children, our focus was on the “magic” of Christmas with letters to Santa convincing him how good we were all year. We included long lists of toys we thought we could not live without (or at least that is what it was for me). Then the countdown to Christmas day began. I know I couldn’t wait until Christmas morning when I could rip through all the presents under the tree. For me, when that was done, Christmas was over.

As an adult, the focus changes, but it is not always onto the true reason for the season. The focus shifts from toys and Santa to gift shopping, decorating, baking goodies, Christmas movies, holiday parties, etc.  These are good, but the busyness takes our eyes, minds, and hearts away from where they should be. It seems like it becomes about experiencing Christmas more on the outside, than deep on the inside.

Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of Christ. During this time, I like to contemplate the creche (the nativity scene) we set up in our chapel. Some days I travel with the 3 wise men as they follow a bright star in the sky.  They do not know exactly where their journey will take them, but they have the faith to follow. On other days, I try to just be quiet and still with the shepherds as they tend to their sheep in the fields. I keep vigilant for any predators that may come to steal my peace and joy. I imagine what it would have felt like to suddenly see angels appear announcing the birth of our Savior. Next, I walk alongside Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem from Nazareth. I picture how difficult and slow the journey must have been especially for Mary as she is carrying Jesus in her womb. “What was the temperature like? What did they eat? How long did it take?” These are just a few questions that go through my mind. Finally, I sometimes wonder what the animals must have been thinking as they are the only witnesses to the birth of Christ in the stable.

You see, we need a balance during Advent. Yes, we can experience all the joys on the outside, but we also need to connect internally with the miracle that happened that first Christmas night over 2000 years ago. Jesus Christ truly is the reason for the season. Without him, there would be no Christmas to celebrate. I invite each of you reading this to take some time over Advent and put yourself in that nativity scene and experience what that first Christmas was like.  Close your eyes. What do you see?  How do you feel as you observe Mary and Joseph?  When Jesus is finally here, imagine yourself beside the manger looking in on him.  What does your heart feel? Through this, I can guarantee that God will do something in your heart where you begin to focus deeper on the love that Jesus has for you.

One Comment

  1. Marisa Wilks December 2, 2021 at 9:02 am - Reply

    I absolutely LOVE this reflection! I’m sharing it with all of my children and family.
    Simple and yet so eye opening❤️❤️ Thank you so much!!
    We love y’all and are praying for All of the servants of the cross🙏❤️

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