As we prepare to enter into an another exciting year of formation and ministry, we thought to take a look back and thank the Lord for one of his surprising blessings from last year – our new Sister Parish in the Philippines!

We are connected to Fr. Joseph from Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin Parish in Catanduanes, Philippines. His parish is in a rural area and has its own orphanage, and seminary nearby.

They shared with us how they have been struggling for their livelihood this past year; how the rains had come hard, leaving farmers in the area without work. They turned to stripping abaca fibres and drying them to sell.

We collected the items that were requested, and found items that we thought would be useful and fun. Into the box went powdered milk, instant coffee, toys, books and so much more. It just so happened that Emeritus Archbishop Prendergast was downsizing his book collection, and we were able to give some of those books as well.

We carefully packed them and made sure to duct tape them well. (Layer upon layer! See below.) These Balikbayan boxes must be completely full as they have a long boat ride ahead of them as they travel across the Pacific Ocean.

Here are a few pictures as they departed Canada. (And don’t forget to go to the bottom to see more photos and the wish list to join in on the next delivery!)

Two boxes, ready to go! Leaving Canada and the snow. 

From the winter snow of Canadian January to the tropics of the Philippines, the boxes arrived safe and sound a few months later. It arrived as the Parish was celebrating their “Parish Fiesta,” including a novena of Masses and other activities.

Fr. Joseph was able to share some of the materials with the orphanage and children in their Parish, as well as with the priests and seminarians. As we continue our relationship with our Sister Parish, we continue to spiritually adopt them and pray for them. They shared their own gratitude and prayers for us in our own apostolate here in Canada.

If you would like to help us support our Sister Parish, check out the wish list below! Simple items make a big difference. We can work together to love as Jesus did – to satisfy his Thirst.

Here are some photos from the Parish’s Christmas and New Year’s from last year, as well as their Parish Fiesta from this past July. 

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  • Outdated Word Among Us Missalets / Magnificat issues 
  • Religious books
  • Vitamins and Supplements
  • Canned Meat
  • Instant Coffee and Coffee Powder Creamers
  • Skim Milk Powder
  • Games / Fun children’s items (Ex. Skipping rope) 
  • Nuts, Hard candy (No chocolate please – it melts!) 

One Comment

  1. Lucille December 10, 2023 at 7:23 am - Reply

    Sister Meagan, your article was so inspiring that Darrell and I have traveled to the Philippines to meet with Father Joseph. Life here is very tough. The people appreciate every bit of help they receive and also like to reciprocate. Thank you for sharing your story. It initiated a life changing experience for us.

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